Private woodland owners often wonder what their timber is worth. The one consistent source of information on this subject is the Minnesota Public Stumpage Price Review and Price Index, published each year by DNR, Division of Forestry.
Highlights from recent reports:
Bid value of public agencies stumpage increased to $48.3 million, up $10.6 million or 28.1%
Volume sold increased to 1.84 million cord equivalents, up 163,200 cords or 9.7%
Red pine cord products average bid price $39.42 per cord, up $7.49 or 23.5%
Red pine sawtimber average bid price $148.33 up $21.85 or 17.3%
Oak and maple sawtimber averaged >$400 per Mbf, oak up 50% and maple up 144% y/y