Our Mission
To inform, educate, and advocate for woodland owners, and others, on issues related to good woodland stewardship.
About Us
Our goal is to be a valuable resource for Minnesota’s more than 80,000 private woodland owners. In addition to woodland owners, our constituents include foresters, loggers, educators, businesses, sportsmen/women, conservation organizations, and concerned citizens.
We host workshops and field tours where woodland owners can learn about how to be a good steward of their land, and network with other like-minded landowners and forestry professionals. We try to share the latest information through our newsletter, annual meeting, and website. We also work with the state and local partners to advocate for responsible forest stewardship, and provide tools and technical assistance to landowners.
Our History
The Minnesota Forestry Association has a long history. Founded in 1876, we are the nation’s first forestry association and the oldest conservation organization in Minnesota.
The original mission of the organization was simply to encourage Minnesotans to plant trees, but quickly expanded to advocating for responsible, sustainable forest management for the benefit of all Minnesotans. The work of MFA members has shaped much of forestry in Minnesota, including the creation of the state fire warden system, state forest service, state parks and public forest land, U of M forestry program, and resources for private landowners managing family forests.
Historical Documents: