Educational Needs Assessment of Tree and Woodland Programs in Minnesota
The interests of current and potential participants are essential in determining which educational programs are offered by outreach and Extension organizations. In October 2020, the University of Minnesota Extension Forestry team gathered responses to an educational program needs assessment survey. The survey was developed and delivered through the University of Minnesota’s Qualtrics system and questions focused on educational topics related to trees and woodlands. In total, 314 respondents completed the survey from a variety of locations across Minnesota.
Videos & Webinars
MFA Document Center
A collection of publications and helpful resources for Minnesota woodland owners. Topics range from woodland stewardship, timber harvesting, woodland taxes, and more.
Great Lakes Silviculture Library
This site is designed to help forest managers from Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario, and Wisconsin exchange silviculture prescriptions, including the outcomes of actual on-the-ground management activities. The cases linked therein are real, on-the-ground stories submitted by Lakes States natural resource managers. Click the image below to open the site.

TELE applies targeted marketing principles to the challenge of promoting good stewardship on private lands. Rather than using a broad-brush approach that tries to appeal to everyone, TELE practitioners design outreach programs to bring about a specific behavior change in a selected group of people. They use their audience’s preferred channels to reach them and deliver programs and messages that are most likely to appeal to audience members, based on their specific values, preferences, and other characteristics. This approach has been shown to be an effective and efficient way to change behaviors and norms in a variety of fields. A user survey conducted in 2019 showed that, on average, TELE projects engage 25 percent of targeted landowners to take action, a much higher proportion than most other landowner outreach efforts.